وحدة المسؤولية الاجتماعية
Unit of Social Responsibility

  • A series of education and awareness programs.
  • Organizing developed cultural and awareness evenings and forums for the community members.
  • Publication and circulation of cultural booklets on the various aspects of life.
  • Social volunteer activities through participation in public events and to volunteer for the service of the society (workshops, training courses, forums … etc).
  • Social solidarity activities: (productive family program, artisan programs, first aid courses, disaster and emergency plans, orphan programs, divorcee and orphan support programs, pensioner programs, charity society programs … etc).
  • Education sector: (exemption of tuition fees, provision of school books to needy, post graduation programs, supporting craft projects for the youth).
  • Health sector: (social awareness of some common diseases in cooperation with specialized bodies, participation in voluntary health forums ... etc).

Last Update
2/18/2016 2:28:20 PM